Sunday, 2 December 2012

The Every-Clayton's

One of the names that occurs on the main tree of Ray Lewis-Jones (the person to whom the Halsted Trust is indebted for providing the funds to set it up and allowing us to continue his initial works) is Edward EVERY-CLAYTON. The family is part of chart 1 on the descendants of William de HALLSTEDES and traces it roots back over 700 years. the chart can be found here.

It was whilst trying to find the details of his son Thomas Edward EVERY-CLAYTON that I stumbled across a public family tree in Ancestry on the family. It has provided a lot more information on the family. It is always useful finding trees on double-barrelled names as they are one of the more difficult to research these days as many indexes cannot seems to cope with the hyphen.

I had come across the marriage of Thomas Edward EVERY-CLAYTON in the parish records of St Thomas, Barrowford some time ago and it was whilst catching up on the transcription of entering of the marriages into the database that I wondered where the link to his father came from as Edward's wife couldn't have been Thomas's father.

The family lived for many years at Carr Hall, Barrowford. You can find details on the family on the British History Online website.

The updated chart and families will appear on the next website update. if you have a link to this tree (or any other for that matter) I would be delighted to here from you.

John Hanson

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Henry HALSTEAD (1814-1861)

We have all done it - received an email and thought "I haven't the time to answer that right know", put it to one side and then promptly forget about it. Sometimes they just disappear into oblivion but once in a while they do surface again.

This blog is about one such email - from Gilly a couple of months ago. She wrote about Henry HALSTEAD (1814-1869) and gave the details of his parents William and Sarah of Burnley. Now there is always a dread when people talk of the HALSTEAD's of Burnley simply because there are so many and they all have the same names! But when this email surfaced again last week I was determined to look into it and try and resolve the family.

Henry was already online but what of his parents. Using the Lancashire Online Parish Clerk website I was able to ascertain the details of Henry's siblings and that enabled me to finally identify that William and Sarah were in fact in the database. In fact they were the progenitors of Chart 12. Using the Lancashire OPC site I was able to identify Henry's other brothers and sister and link them to the main tree. So now instead of William and Sarah having three children they now have eight. So now we have

Henry (1814-1869) - married Martha GREENWOOD (1818-1884)
Elizabeth (1817-?) married William MITCHELL (is new to the database but the clues were already there if you look close enough) in 1851 her brother Benjamin and sister Margaret were living with her and William MITCHELL in Glossop, Derbyshire. Mind Benjamin was listed as an Apprentice and Margaret as Margaret SCHOFIELD, a visitor!
John (1820-1893) - married Mary MORGAN
William (1824-?)  (is new to database) there are too many Williams born about that time to be certain as to what happened to him
Margaret (1827-?)  (is new to database) married James SCHOFIELD
James (1830-1867) - married Betty LAW
Benjamin (1832-1878) - married Frances HOLT
Robert (1835-1869) never married

The original chart 12 had 40+ people on it - this has now increased to 100+

So if you have written and I haven't replied - give me a nudge. The request might have gone the way of the junk mail filter (not my fault), been missed or simply waiting for a reply

All will be included in the next website update.

John Hanson

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

website update and Norbert HALSTEAD

The latest version of the Halstead, Halsted and Holstead research website has been released.

This release includes a complete rebuild of all the charts on the website. Several have increased in size so is always worth going back to check.

In addition a new chart 44 has been added to the Lancashire charts. This one is interesting as apart from the birth place of the progeneter John HALSTEAD (1806-bef 1871) being in Lancashire the remainder of the events took place outside the county. John and his wife Phoebe GREAVES (1806-1871) had five children Joshua (1829-bef 1881) (One of the brick-walls for many years), Sarah (b1833), Martha (b1835), Grace (b1841) and Mary Ann (b1843).

Joshua and his wife Sarah Jane CROWTHER (1832-1916) went on the have 8 children on three different continents. Many of the children spent a lot of time traveling backwards and forwards to South America and many of them actually married and died out there.

Joseph Charles HALSTEAD (1853-?) - last known of going to Buenos Aires in 1904
Hannah Peacock HALSTEAD (1855-1927) stayed in England
Jane HALSTEAD (1857-?) stayed in England and married Edward HOBSON
John Henry HALSTEAD (1859-1941) married Margaret A DARWENT and he died in Montevideo
Arthur Frederick HALSTEAD (1860-1937) married Mary Elizabeth KING and whlist he spent some time in South America died in Teignmouth, Devon
Ada Josephine HALSTEAD (1862-1934) she never married and died in Teignmouth, Devon
Richard Lucio HALSTEAD (1864-1917) married Kate Janet SENIOR and whilst they spent some time in Buenos Aires he died in Dorking, Surrey
Melquiades Astolin HALSTEAD (1866-1928) married Rebecca Bailey BARBER and died in Buenos Aires.

Melquides and Rebecca had four children and I am desperately trying to find out more information on the third of these Norbert HALSTEAD (1905-?). He was last seen sailing back to Buenos Aires on the 13 March 1931 following the death of his mother.

John Hanson

Thursday, 4 October 2012

George HALSTEAD (1813-1881)

Whilst checking out the marriages in the Cheshire Collection on I found the marriage of George HALSTEAD (1813-1881) to Nancy WARDLOW (1819-1881) in the Parish Church of Mottram-in-Longdendale. As the marriage was on 6 June 1838 it gave me his father's name of Richard HALSTEAD, a Manager to a Calico Printer.

This information enabled me to find Richard in the database as he is Richard HALSTEAD (1788-1860) with his wife Ann.

George was the progenetor of Chart 25 and therefore this chart has been taken back a further generation.

The details will be included on the next website update

John Hanson

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Website update and conference

The latest release of the Halsted Research website was loaded on Tuesday 3rd July.

Amongst other updates this one has looked at those people who have a first name of Halstead - which may well indicate that a parent, grandparent or even more distant relative had the surname. So far I have covered surnames starting with the letters A, B or C. More will follow in time. This has enabled a number of smaller trees to be linked to larger ones.

I am sure that many will have seen the announcement that the Halsted Trust is to organise another family history conference. I know we all said last time "never again" - but we must be gluttons for punishment - mind that could be said for many family historians.

Details of the conference "Exodus: Movement of the people" which looks at the migration of people can be found on its own website. The conference is over the weekend of the 6th to 8th September 2013.

John Hanson

Friday, 8 June 2012

Website Update

A new release of the Halstead Research website has been uploaded.

The release includes the details contained in the blogs since the last release on 20th May 2012. it conains the details of an additional 155 people as well as many minor updates.

It includes updates to the following charts

Essex - Chart 7
Sussex - Chart 2
Lancashire -  Chart 3, Chart 4, Chart 10, Chart 11, Chart 42
Yorkshire - Chart 13, Chart 15, Chart 39, Chart 43

John Hanson

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Another new Yorkshire Chart

Some recent correspondence with Ian and Dawn METCALFE in Australia has lead to another new chart being created and has again allowed a number of smaller trees to be amalgamated.

This started with the family of William HALSTEAD (1782-?1862) and this wife Sarah HIRST (1786-1869).

They had 10 children - a couple of which new to the family and still remain a mystery. These are

Jsoeph HALSTEAD - born 5 December 1812 in Greeat Gomersal and baptised at St Peter, Birstall on 14 February 1813
John HALSTEAD - born 26 December 1816 in Great Gomersal and baptised at St Peter,Birstall on 16 March 1817

Do you have either of these in your tree?

The new chart is Yorkshire Chart 43 and is based on William HALSTEAD's father John HALSTEAD. No dates are currently known for John. Unfortunately none of the baptisms of his children has a wifes name. Oh for these to have been in "Dade" registered churches

John Hanson

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Another new Lancashire chart

Whilst doing some research to try and resolve a problem I came across a number of smaller trees that could be linked together and create a tree large enough to create a chart for'

The tree relates to the descendants of James HALSTEAD (1788-1868) and his wife Sarah (1787-1835).

He is currently shown with 5 children but in fact they had 10 - all baptised in St Peter, Burnley between 1809 and 1826

This new chart will be Lancashire Chart 42.

Interestingly it is another of the times where there are two Halstead's marrying and it therefore also has a link in Lancashire chart 10. This occurred when their daughter Sarah HALSTEAD (1824-1911) married Robert HALSTEAD (1825-1883).

John Hanson

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Halsted Sunday

My apologies for this being slightly later than I had planned but family life does get in the way of family history at times.

I said that I would write about Halsted Sunday and I will. I hope to add a full page to the website (under the notable people page) in the near future to explain more fully.

Halsted Sunday is the modern name that has been given to an event that started back in 1845. That year Henry Halsted died 11 January and is buried in St Peter Church, Burnley. He had been a shoemaker by profession and lived to the ripe old age of 83 - no mean feat in those days. He left a will of 8 pages and a value of under £3,000 (not a small sum of money in those days). Amongst his bequests was the following

I DO HEREBY Further charge and make chargeable all those two messuages or dwellinghouses situate in Saint James Street Burnley aforesaid and now in the occupation of Mr. Samuel Haworth surgeon and Mr Robert Tomlinson Cordwainer being part and parcel of my said real estates hereinbefore mentioned to be or to have been surrendered to the uses of this my will and hereinbefore devised and bequeathed to my said trustees and executors as aforesaid with the payment for ever of the yearly sum of two pounds unto such a celebrated popular Reverend Minister of the Church of England as by law established who shall from henceforward for ever from time to time on the first Sunday Morning in the month of May in every year preach for the benefit of the congregation who shall from time to time be present attending the Worship of Almighty God a sermon from the fourteenth verse of the thirteenth Chapter of the Book of Hebrews the words "For here have we no continuing City but we seek one to come"

The sermon has been preached every Sunday ever since - the funds having been added to over the years.

This year I took the opportunity of going "up to Burnley" a day earlier and spent the Saturday in the very capable hands of Christine Bradley, the Frontline Manager of Colne Library. It was a very useful time and I came away armed with lots more information to be added to the Halstead tree when I get the time! Earleir I had spent some time looking round the graveyard of St Peter, Burnley in the glorious sunshine looking for some of the Halstead graves and trying to resolve an issue for Dan Greenwood, who had contacted me about the grave of one of his Stanworth ancestors.

The Sunday I attended the service at the church, together with three of the trustees of the Halsted Trust (Jim Halstead, Else Churchill and Alec Tritton). After the service 18 of us had an enjoyable lunch (which has become a bit of a tradition in recent years) and gave the opportunity to discuss with several new faces their Halstead connections.

The last couple of weeks has also seen some extensive work on a couple of trees following contacts from Lindsey Randall and Melvin Steele.

John Hanson

Monday, 30 April 2012

Firstly my apologies for the delay in uploading the latest update to the Halstead database - a number of factors I am afraid.

However it will hopefully have been worth the wait.

A couple of new features have been added thanks to the latest release of Second Site, by John Cardinal, which enable the TMG database to be created into a website. These new features are:-

1  a "search the site" feature which lets you search for any name without having to trawl through the pages.
2  you will now find that if you link to a person that you will only see the details of that person rather than a page full of people.

Let me know what you think of the new features

The update now has recorded all of the marriages from the West Yorkshire Archives from 1837 to 1921 and the London Metropolitan Archives from 1837 to 1920. No sooner had I finished these than a new release of the West Yorkshire Archives on Ancestry now means that there are even more marriages to obtain copies of the certificates and records. The marriage records have now been extended to 1935 and at the same time they have added the non-conformist marriages.

This weekend I am off to St Peter's Church, Burnley for what is known as Halsted Sunday. A full report and explanation next week

John Hanson

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Website update

The last version of the Halstead website has now been loaded.

This includes the deails posted in the blog entries before Christmas as well as almost all the marriages in the West Yorkshire Archievs material on Ancestry (Well almost all - I have completed 1837-1892 and 1901-1920)

I had the opportunity at the beginning of last November to visit the archives in Preston and managed in the space of a day and a quarter to photograph some 150+ Lanceashire marriages. These will be the next to be added to the database.

Mind no sooner does one get near to the end of one list than a new source becomes available - this time it was the announcement just before Christmas of the release of the British Newspaper Archive. This looks like a very useful source to provide lots of background information - however there are over 40,000 entries with links to the Halstead name and its variants. So watch this space!

John Hanson