Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Website Update October 2017 and more

Sorry for the delay in updating the website this time. A health issue got in the way which slowed me down but now resolved and on the mend. the problem was that it left me with not much energy and therefore not conducive to detailed research.

This update includes about 250 new people and lots of updates based on the comments below.

That does not mean that I wasn't busy behind the scenes. I did enable me to complete a couple of things that have been on the back burner for a long while.

The first was extracting from Ancestry the details of all the baptisms, marriages and burials where there are images available. This was not helped by the fact that no two of them have the same layouts. This resulted in nearly 19,000 entries for the Halsted, Halstead, Alstead and Holstead variants of the name. It included those with the name as a first name. with some of the databases it also includes where the name is the father's name in a second marriage so has been useful in resolving some of those.

I started in 1985 (the most recent entry) and so far I am back to 1888. What is apparent from this is that the West Riding of Yorkshire seems to be the only place that has included the non-conformist records in their online database.

Once I am back to about 1790 I will start on a similar exercise for findmypast.

Of course when one addes say a baptism then you think "that is missing or what heppened to her" so get side-tracked into looking at something else.

For those that are interested the list of counties that have the images online with Ancestry is:-

Derbyshire, Dorset, Gloucestershire, London Metropolitan Archives, Lancashire Archives, Liverpool, Manchester, Manchester Cathedral, Wigan, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Somerset, Surrey, Birmingham, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, West Yorkshire

The list of those on findmypast with images are:- 

Canterbury Archives, Cheshire, Devon, Portsmouth History Centre, Hertfordshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Manchester, Norfolk, Royal Archives, Shropshire, Staffordshire, all of Wales, Warwickshire, Westminster and the Yorkshire Archives Consortium (All the Yorkshire Archivees except the West Riding)

email halstead at one-name.org

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