Sunday, 22 January 2012

Website update

The last version of the Halstead website has now been loaded.

This includes the deails posted in the blog entries before Christmas as well as almost all the marriages in the West Yorkshire Archievs material on Ancestry (Well almost all - I have completed 1837-1892 and 1901-1920)

I had the opportunity at the beginning of last November to visit the archives in Preston and managed in the space of a day and a quarter to photograph some 150+ Lanceashire marriages. These will be the next to be added to the database.

Mind no sooner does one get near to the end of one list than a new source becomes available - this time it was the announcement just before Christmas of the release of the British Newspaper Archive. This looks like a very useful source to provide lots of background information - however there are over 40,000 entries with links to the Halstead name and its variants. So watch this space!

John Hanson